And that is just the beginning. You'll learn all the moves you'll ever need, how to sidestep danger before the attack, what to do after an attack, and how to keep danger far away forever. How would that feel?
I couldn't find it, so I built it.
It worked.
Now, I'm sharing it.
I have a particular skill set. I take a look at the fear most people live under, and I find it unacceptable. Even the small fears that stop us from doing what other people do - even that fear is too much.
The bad guy wants us to do nothing. They want us to be too old, too busy, and too broke.
Our mission is to break down ALL the barriers. Treat this like a MANDATORY LIFE SKILL. If there's a reason you can't take our online course, tell us about it and we'll destroy that barrier too.
Be the force that makes a difference.
Designed as 1-on-1 learning or up to 6 friends or family.
Each session is 1 hour packed unbelievably full of new skills. We approaach every session with the same attitude: "If we only have this hour, and this hour was all that would safe your life, what would we teach you?"
After 10 sessions you'll know more than most people who dedicate years to a martial art.
Ask about our 10-pack discount (only $800).
The first session is always free.
Think of it like a test drive.
Includes membership in our private community.
TEXT: (825) 462-0481
Easy-to-follow videos.
Can you really train at home?
In our mission to reach people who might never be able to train, we've put 100% of our training online. We made it so you can train on your own, in secret if you need to, and at your own pace.
Pay once, keep forever.
Not a bad deal.
Nothing is held back. There is no "introductory level" and you won't find yourself needing to pay for a "next" level. Our mission is to make self-defense so affordable, so available, and so simple, that every single person in the world treats it like a mandatory life skill.
Escape from any attack.
Sidestep danger before the attack.
Learn uncommon skills to avoid legal and emotional backlash after an attack, or fix it if that's already happened.
Surprising skills that keep danger far away forever.
4-hours of fun, intense learning. You'll learn more in one day than most people would in a year.
We also offer free workshops for community groups as a public service and to help raise funds for community projects.
Ask us if your group qualifies!
Escape from any attack.
Sidestep danger before the attack.
Learn uncommon skills to avoid legal and emotional backlash after an attack, or fix it if that's already happened.
Surprising skills that keep danger far away forever.
Includes membership in our private community.
TEXT: (825) 462-0481
"We have some sketchy people that hang around our work. This is exactly what I needed."
"I'm a Nurse, and anyone who knows what nurses go through knows what it means to feel afraid to simply go to work. The best thing about this is that I have the techniques but I don't even need to use them because all the other stuff works so well. Everybody needs this."
"I didn't "get" the soft skills until my Commanding Officer told me that before I started, my department was the worst, and then less than a year later, it was outperforming and everybody wanted to work with me. To me, it was just "doing my thing."
We don't. What we do isn't an art. If martial arts is a lifelong practice with rules, we are the opposite. In fact, because there are no rules, it's fast to learn and you get to keep it like instinct. But don't try to use it in your next tournament. It isn't an exercise class either. It's designed to work when you are faced with your worst possible scenario.
No prior experience is required. Come as you are.
For your first class, wear comfortable athletic clothing and bring a water bottle.
Give us a text and we'll set up a day and time that works. The first session is always free.